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#1 Business Management Tool
#1 Business Management Tool

Check our Terms of Use below.

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These terms of use ("Terms") govern your use of the [Olqan] website ("Olqan") operated by [Olqan] ("Olqan"). By accessing and using the Website, you agree to comply with these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should not use the Website.

1. Acceptable Use

You agree to use the Website only for lawful purposes and in a way that does not infringe upon the rights of, restrict, or inhibit anyone else's use and enjoyment of the Website. Prohibited activities include but are not limited to: Posting, transmitting, or sharing content that is illegal, offensive, or harmful. Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Website's systems or data. Interfering with the proper functioning of the Website. Using the Website to distribute unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material.

2. User Accounts

Certain features of the Website may require you to create a user account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and for all activities that occur under your account. The Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts that violate these Terms.

3. Intellectual Property

All content on the Website, including text, graphics, logos, images, videos, and software, is the property of the Company or its content suppliers and is protected by intellectual property laws. You may not use, reproduce, distribute, or modify any content without obtaining prior written permission from the Company.

4. Disclaimer of Liability

The Company makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the content on the Website. Your use of the Website is at your own risk. The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website.

5. Links to Third-Party Websites

The Website may contain links to third-party websites that are not owned or controlled by the Company. The Company is not responsible for the content or practices of these websites. Your interactions with these third-party websites are subject to their own terms and conditions.